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Prospective students
I am accepting undergraduate and graduate students interested in research on the effects of climate change on animals, on drivers of species distribution range, or developing projects for aiding management at natural reserves. I value knowledgeable individuals that seek to make their contribution to the society. Problem solving skills and attitude, affection to reading and fieldwork, programming, electronics, and math skills, all constitute a welcome plus. Initiatives for funding the project are also appreciated but I will show options and help to obtain them. If you want me to advice your project, please send a text indicating: the general theme of the project, and why you think this project is important for you and science, or society.
Undergraduate students interested in a last year's scientific initiation at the Estación Biológica de Doñana, in Sevilla to contact me at least two-three months before March, so as to have time for applying to the Jae intro program (
Students seeking for a Masters or PHD in Zoology, Physiology or Ecology, at the University of São Paulo, please contact me at least 6 months before the selection exams.
- Graduate/undergraduate student for project on geographic analysis of thermal vulnerability in ectotherms.
- Graduate/undergraduate student for divulgative project on herpetofauna of national parks
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